Plan two ways out of the building and practice them.
Be sure all doors and windows can be opened from the inside.
Crawl — don't run.
Plan a place to meet outside your home.
Call the Fire Department after you leave the building.
Don't stop to get valuables.
Never re-enter a burning building.

If your clothing catches on fire, follow these simple rules:
Do not run.
Call for help.

Look for combustible liquids like gasoline, lighter fluid, and paint thinner that may have spilled. Thoroughly clean the spill and place containers in a well-ventilated area.
Keep combustible liquids away from heat sources.

If your home has sustained flood or water damage, and you can safely get to the main breaker or fuse box, turn off the power.
Assume all wires on the ground are electrically charged. This includes cable TV feeds.
Be aware of and avoid downed utility lines. Report downed or damaged power lines to the utility company or emergency services.
Remove standing water, wet carpets and furnishings. Air dry your home with good ventilation before restoring power.
Have a licensed electrician check your home for damage.

Smell and listen for leaky gas connections. If you believe there is a gas leak, immediately leave the house and leave the door(s) open.
Never strike a match. Any size flame can spark an explosion.
Before turning the gas back on, have the gas system checked by a professional.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines when using generators.
Use a generator or other fuel-powered machines outside the home. CO fumes are odorless and can quickly overwhelm you indoors.
Use the appropriate sized and type power cords to carry the electric load. Overloaded cords can overheat and cause fires.
Never run cords under rugs or carpets where heat might build up or damage to a cord may go unnoticed.
Never connect generators to another power source such as power lines. The reverse flow of electricity or “backfeed” can electrocute an unsuspecting utility worker.
Smoke detectors double your chances of surviving a fire in your home by providing early warning and time for escape. Place smoke detectors immediately outside sleeping areas, at the top of open stairways and on every level of your home. Test the detector once a month and change the batteries twice a year.

Kerosene heaters may not be legal in your area and should only be used where approved by authorities.
Do not use the kitchen oven range to heat your home. In addition to being a fire hazard, it can be a source of toxic fumes.
Alternative heaters need their space. Keep anything combustible at least 3 feet away.
Make sure your alternative heaters have “tip switches.” These “tip switches” are designed to automatically turn off the heater in the event they tip over.
Only use the type of fuel recommended by the manufacturer and follow suggested guidelines.
Never refill a space heater while it is operating or still hot. Refuel heaters only outdoors.
Make sure wood stoves are properly installed, and at least 3 feet away from combustible materials. Ensure they have the proper floor support and adequate ventilation.
Use a glass or metal screen in front of your fireplace to prevent sparks from igniting nearby car-pets, furniture or other combustible items.


Be careful when using candles. Keep the flame away from combustible objects and out of the reach of children.
Some smoke alarms may be dependent on your home’s electrical service and could be inoperative during a power outage. Check to see if your smoke alarm uses a back-up battery and install a new battery at least once a year.
Smoke alarms should be installed on every level of your home.
All smoke alarms should be tested monthly. All batteries should be replaced with new ones at least once a year.
If there is a fire hydrant near your home, keep it clear of debris for easy access by the fire department.
Lightning associated with thunderstorms generates a variety of fire hazards. The power of lightning’s electrical charge and intense heat can electrocute on contact, splitting trees and causing fires.
Pools of water and even appliances can be electrically charged.
Appliances that have been exposed to water can short and become a fire hazard.
Generators are often used during power outages. Generators that are not properly used and maintained can be very hazardous.

Tips for all heating equipment:
  • Make sure it is clean and dust-free.
  • Avoid extension cords or use only heavy gauge wire. Keep extension cords as short as possible and do not run them under rugs or carpets.
  • Keep your heater at least three feet away from furniture, curtains and other flammable items.
  • Keep adequate ventilation in the home by opening a window.
  • Let the heater cool down before refueling with liquid fuel.
  • Do not substitute fuels.
  • Never use gasoline as a heating fuel.
  • Never burn charcoal in an enclosed area.
  • Do not leave children or pets alone near heaters.
  • Turn off the heater when leaving home. If a portable heater must be used, electric is preferred. It should automatically shut off if tipped over. All homes should be equipped with smoke detectors and should have a multi-purpose fire extinguisher within easy reach.
NEVER leave a child unsupervised in or near any body of water, even for a second.
Never leave toys, wagons, or tricycles around the pool. Toys can attract children to the pool.
Invest in a pool-motion alarm or a pool fence.
Attend a course in CPR and learn what to do in case of an emergency.
Have a phone available whenever participating in any type of water activity.
Fence pools around all four sides with a minimum height of four feet, and use a self-locking gate for the pool enclosure.
Teach children to swim at an early age.
Lessons should be taught by qualified instructors.
Always swim with a buddy.
Don't dive into unknown bodies of water. Jump feet first to avoid hitting your head on a shallow bottom.
Don't push or jump on others.

Never use illegal fireworks!
Store products in a cool, dry place.
Have an adult present (and preferably be the one to light the sparklers).
Keep spectators back a safe distance.
Read and follow label directions carefully.
Use outdoors only, away from vehicles, houses and flammable objects.
Light sparklers in an open area on a smooth hard surface, away from dried brush or other ignitable material.
Wear safety glasses or goggles when igniting fireworks.
Do not re-ignite "duds" or malfunctioning fireworks.
Keep a hose or water bucket nearby.
Never point or throw sparklers at another person.
Light only one at a time and then move away quickly.
Rather than light sparklers at home, attend a public fireworks display handled by professionals.

When Trick-or-Treating, decide on a definite route and timetable before your group departs your house. Complete your tour before dark. Be sure an adult accompanies your child at all times. Be certain the children can be seen easily. Costumes should be brightly colored and reflective. Reflective tape can be stripped across the back and front.
Apply makeup to the children's faces instead of having them wear masks that are hard to see or breathe through.
Every part of a costume must be flame-retardant, including any wigs, beards or capes.
Make sure costumes fit well and are not loose enough to be tripped over and snagged on things.
Carry flashlights, and never use candles or torches
Stay on sidewalks, walk facing the traffic, and cross streets only at intersections.
Approach only those houses with outside lights on.
Do not eat any treats until the group has returned home and an adult has examined all of the contents of each bag.
Consider a Halloween party at home or attend a well-planned, local event, instead of trick-or-treating.
  The holiday season is meant for fun, family and friends. Unfortunately, tragedies can and do occur, and many of them can be avoided.

Be certain that meat is cooked thoroughly. Allow enough time for your turkey to cook in the oven. For a large bird, this can mean several hours.
Do not put the oven up too high in order to speed up cooking time. This can lead to a fire.
If you plan on frying your turkey, please make sure to do so outside. The fryer should be large enough to fill with enough oil to completely cover the bird, AND still have approximately 4 inches of space left on the top of the fryer. Use only fryers designed for this purpose, do not use large pots. Make sure the fryer has a secure-fitting lid.
Cook with care. Don't wear loose-fitting clothes which can catch fire on burners. Don't use your stovetop area for storage. Keep kitchen appliances in good clean condition and turn them off when not in use.
Don't overload electrical outlets and don't use any appliances if the wires are cracked or frayed.

Try to decorate with flame-retardant or non-combustible materials.
Provide smoking guests with deep ashtrays and clean the ashtrays frequently.
After the party, check in between cushions and in trash bins for possibly smoldering cigarette butts.
If you use a space heater, make sure to place them at least three feet away from walls, curtains, trees or anything else that is combustible. Never operate a space heater in an unoccupied room. Turn it off before going to bed.
Do not leave children or pets unattended around space heaters, decorations, candles or any other holiday objects that can cause a danger to them.

Never use lighted candles on or near your holiday tree, wreaths, curtains or drapes. Never use candles or open flames near or with any flammable materials.
Make sure candles are in a sturdy container that cannot be knocked over. Never leave burning candles unattended and ALWAYS supervise children near candles and open flames.
Use only tinsel or icicles made from non-leaded, non-flammable material.
Avoid decorations with sharp edges or small removable parts and ornaments that are easily broken.

Use indoor lights indoors and outdoor lights outdoors.
Lights should be UL approved.
Check each light set for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires or loose connections. Replace or repair any damaged light sets immediately.
Use no more than three sets of lights on any extension cord or outlet.
Extension cords should be placed against the wall (but never nailed) to avoid a tripping hazard. Do not run the cord under a rug.
Turn off all lights on the tree and other electric decorations when going to bed or leaving the house.
Do not use electric lights on a metallic tree, since faulty lights could charge the tree.

Select a tree that is green.
Pine needles should bend, not break, and be firmly attached to the branch
The trunk of the tree should be sticky with sap.
Cut two inches off the bottom of the tree trunk and place the tree in a sturdy stand filled with water. Check the stand daily and refill as necessary so the tree does not dry out.
Keep the tree away from heaters and other heat sources, and make sure it is not blocking an exit door.

Make sure the tree has been treated and labeled as fire-resistant by the manufacturer.
A tree with a built-in electrical system should always have the Underwriters Laboratory (UL) label. That ensures that the system has been tested and meets safety standards when used properly.

Do not burn evergreens to dispose of them after the holidays. Consider recycling for mulch.
Do not burn wrapping paper. It contains metallic materials which can be toxic.


Home History Stations Apparatus Public Safety Links

Roanoke Island Volunteer Fire Department
917 N. Hwy 64/264,  PO Box 1033  Manteo, North Carolina 27954
Office: 252-473-2300 - Fax: 252-473-3410

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